Saturday, 31 December 2011

Best New Years Eve ever, watching fireworks from top of Primrose Hill with son Charles Atherton-Laurie. Happy New Year everybody a fab 2012!
Commitment & perseverance by my son Charles was rewarded with two return tickets (best seats in house) to see the excellent musical Matilda.
Fantastic my son Charles & I were able to catch up with friends Colin Ngan, Wai-han & son Christopher at Rock & Snow Cafe in Covent Garden.
Son, Charles thinks the Nitrogen Ice Cream at Chin Chin Laboratorists in Camden Market, is the best in the World.
My son, Charles Atherton-Laurie makes visit to friend Julie Dobson for lunch & sees her new born son Milo who is just 7 weeks - very cute.

Friday, 30 December 2011

Elizabeth Block, Marcia Scott & Ben are exhausted by son Charles's scalextric marathon. Driving Le Mans style in the dark with headlights on
David Williams became the coolest, according to son Charles, allowing him to play the video games Uncharted 3 & Golden Eye Reloaded on PS3!
The Wallace Collection's Winter Wonderland Workshop inspired son Charles to make a beautifully designed snowflake

Thursday, 29 December 2011

It's official I've been offered a "Venue Entry Team Leader" role in the main stadium of the Olympic Park for the London 2012 Games - excited
Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie's London Christmas morning, more Lego & Scalextric. Now he's cooking Christmas lunch - could get used to this!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Love my son's choice for take-away. Ottolenghi main & Laduree for desert Happy Father.
Son Charles, has great taste in films, chose unprompted to watch original Italian Job - thought it was hysterical & keeps saying catchphrase
Son Charles, having his London Christmas Eve by visiting Hamley's toy store & Toy department of Harrods, guides me to what presents he wants
Son Charles, in awe at the worlds tallest Lego Christmas Tree in St Pancras Station. Shame staff weren't in Christmas mood for treasure hunt

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Pheasant pie & Christmas Pie (goose, turkey, cranberry etc.) proving a huge hit with son, Charles - last of Christmas food from Harvey Nics!
Doing duet with son Charles Atherton-Laurie, crossing Waterloo Bridge has been the highlight of day (No Place Like London from Sweeney Todd)
A trip to storage unit with son Charles, is like a visit to Santa's Grotto. Scalextric, Lego & fighting helicopters - that's before presents
Son Charles arrives to meet Tamara Thomas for hot chocolate in the Lanesborough hotel with christmas cake biscotti- best in London he claims
First my Christmas, now time to share with my son Charles Atherton-Laurie. This is when it gets really exciting & fun - Toy stores & theatre

Monday, 26 December 2011

Loved being able to share my London with Wanda today. The views from Parliament Hill are stunning & her enthusiasm for my town is infectious
Love my London Christmas traditions. Off to see Deer in Richmond Park for my Boxing Day walk (with Tamara Thomas).

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Presents open, Guinea Fowl in the oven, log burning in an open hearth - thanks to everybody who sent texts this morning, feeling very loved.
Fabulous swimming weather for the Peter Pan race in the Serpentine, Hyde Park - It's a favorite London tradition, my 12th year of attending!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Rose Champagne, smoked salmon & scrambled eggs on freshly baked, toasted bread - is there any better breakfast start to a Christmas morning?
Thanks to Ponni Arumugam & Lada Luks for making one of the best Christmas Eve's so far. Fortnum & Masons, fabulous champagne, food & company
Only way to get Christmas Food. Sit at bar in Harvey Nichol's drinking champagne & have your greengrocer, butcher,fishmonger bring it to you
Wishing everybody an amazing Christmas from London (where Christmas was invented - Dickens' A Christmas Carol to Sir Henry Coles' 1st Card:)

Friday, 23 December 2011

Great catching up with Charles Wahab at The Albion ( Entertained by barmaid's disdain of customers in fancy dress
Bratwurst, Gluhwein, Churros & Chocolate, all at the German Christmas market on the Southbank. Beautifully lit, London shines at Christmas!
Hard as local councils try to tell me things can't be done - proving to them all that they can - few more wins like today - king of councils
Driving with roof down in the sunshine, breakast at Smiths of Smithfields and Christmas drinks with friend David - is this really December?

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Extremely pleased friend Lynnette Peck Bateman managed to say the word "orgasm" on Radio 4, brought smile to face
Champagne night with Tanja Coetzee & Basil the cat (he's a real drinker), sexy Christmas watching Fergie in Nine
Festive Mexican food with Lada Luks & Cristina Keech at Cafe Pacifico in Covent Garden. Try Pomegranate Margarita for true Xmas experience:)

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

First Mulled Wines in the UK at Somerset House's, Tiffany sponsored Ice Rink with my dear friend Cristina Keech, now it feels like Christmas
Finally got my car back from Camden Council at the meagre cost of a £999. Even my 12 year old son, made the point that this was unreasonable

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Should be compulsory for all Public Servants to be made to watch Brazil & 1984 - Evil!
After 4 weeks getting better in terms of health & work. On returning, 2 days of dealing with the local council & I feel back to square one.
When your dental surgeon gives you his personal mobile number & says call me anytime day or night - you know he's done a good root canal:)

Monday, 19 December 2011

Now root canal. Dentist has bath & shower in his toilet, which concerns me how long this is going to take. Though it could be just Harley St
Car has been kidnapped by Camden Council. Trying Blackmail, £1,000 to get it back. Not my fault - allegedly have to claim it back - RIGHT!

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Returned from Poland to London to discover my car has been stolen or towed (waiting for Police to confirm which) - still smiling though!

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Returning to London today. Weather permitting. Going to miss the crew I've been working with, especially Wanda Zaleski who's been invaluable

Friday, 16 December 2011

Finally, finishing touches on trailer for Inside Watch Docs: The Film Makers Journey, then our final dinner in Warsaw - film lovers paradise
12 days, 6 films, 16 interviews, 14 hours of footage a production team of new comers and a finished product everybody should be proud of :)

Thursday, 15 December 2011

I hear it's cold & snowing in London, whilst we experience the warmest December on record here in Warsaw, Poland. Sun & Blue skies beautiful

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Celebrating Rachel Fansahwe's 23rd Birthday Party at the Film Club in Warsaw, Poland. No chance of an early night - but still have to work!
Irony not lost on crew, that we accidentally imprisoned a cinema audience for 15 minutes while we shot an interview at Human Rights Festival

Monday, 12 December 2011

Hoping to have at least one night where I go to bed before 4a.m. and get up after 07:30. The 22 year old girls can't keep up with the pace:)
Glad to see Terry Pratchett's documentary has been selected for the Warsaw WatchDocs Human RIghts Film Festival - hope it's in competition.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Free beer night in Warsaw proved successful with the crew. However English would have helped for a film spoken in Dutch, subtitled in Polish

Saturday, 10 December 2011

My crew from UK did a brilliant job interviewing Italian Director, Stefano Savona, at Human Rights Festival, - 1st timers, proud of everyone

Friday, 9 December 2011

Opening Gala of Watch Docs Human Rights film festival Warsaw, manic evening but film about Tahrir Square, great!
Getting private yoga lessons, massages every night and have found the best PA & friend in Wanda Zaleski Nova. Bringing Warsaw back to London
To alert you, am having problems with my paul(at) email address. Please use theballetofchange(at) in interim

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Being treated like Royalty in Warsaw. Private viewing of Polish National Opera, largest Opera House in the world!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Meeting with Izabela Kiszka-Hoflik, Head of International Relations at Polish Film Institute, if BFI followed lead UK film would be saved.
Excellent meeting with Violetta Kaminska, Managing Director of the Polish production Company Apple Film. Potential collaborator on Vigilia.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

1st Day in Warsaw meeting some extraordinary people especially three girls from Spain, Zimbabwe & Woleverhampton respectively, led me astray

Monday, 5 December 2011

Wales in the morning, Harley Street, London in the afternoon, Warsaw, Poland in the evening, Jet setting raising funds for our film Vigilia!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Sunny Welsh Valleys with my son for the weekend (he's clearly blessed), to make the Christmas rounds of the few remaining friends left there
Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie's superb sensitivity in dealing with my mother's alzheimers & fragility, left me proudest father in christendom

Friday, 2 December 2011

Working with Amanda Baker, putting final touches to Rhianna Pratchett's amazing script for our feature film Vigilia, soon to start casting.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Thanks to all my amazing friends who made my last drinks party of the year such a fabulous event on The Yacht

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Any fast food restaurant that has it's staff wear T-Shirts that read "I'm a Tosser" has to be good, fabulous salad

Monday, 28 November 2011

Finally plucked up nerve to visit ransacked storage unit. Approximately £10,000 worth of damage. Though sentimental items are irreplaceable(

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Back to a beautifully sunny London & a walk in Hyde Park. Back to fighting Public Sector immediately on my return though - roll on strike

Saturday, 26 November 2011

What was supposed to be a rest day today - resulted in a 4 mile walk across Chiltern Hill's in force 8 winds - bracing - hope this keeps up
Huge thank you to Co-Owner of Champney's, Stephen Purrdew, for faciliatating my stay in Tring, Result - loosing 4% body fat in just 8 days!

Friday, 25 November 2011

My first ever Tai Chi lesson with Champney's Peter Warr was a revelation, however going to miss hatha yoga teacher Louise Hutchings the most
The lovely Pam Cooper, personal Trainer at Champney's, has shown me how to have an amazing workout with just an elastic band, thanks so much

Thursday, 24 November 2011

A huge happy #ThanksGiving to all my American friends both here in the UK & those who have returned home. May your thanks be in abundance!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Champney's Personal Trainer, Pam Carter made me fall in love with Virbogym. 2 years I've been unable to touch toes, 30 seconds on it, done!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The very final audition to see if I'll perform in the opening & closing ceremonies of the @London2012 Olympics today. I've been training:))

Monday, 21 November 2011

Meeting great people & hearing some amazing stories at Champneys including artist/designer/model Lucinda Goodhew

Sunday, 20 November 2011

It's official, I have the sexiest legs (there was a vote:), Yoga & working on Script Vigilia in sunshine, is there a better Sunday lurking?

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Jennifer Ellison, picked up my Champneys room key by mistake after a group workout not mistake other guests claim

Friday, 18 November 2011

I've died & gone to heaven. Just had the best body wrap & massage from Stefanie Harding at Champney's. Haven't felt this relaxed in decades

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Pondering, having just watched the DVD if any of his friends, saw in the Cinema, "The Beaver" starring Mel Gibson & directed by Jodie Foster

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Odd life, last time I met Frank Bruno was at a Princes Youth Trust meeting 23 years ago, today he's at Champney's celebrating 50th Birthday!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Strange Champney's reminds me so much of my mother. She used to do Aqua Aerobics & Yoga, but started in her 60's!
Technology against me, so making notes on the script of film Vigilia for writer Rhianna Pratchett, the old fashioned, way using pen on paper

Monday, 14 November 2011

Hugely indebted to Champney's for organising this recovery stay. Healthy food, exercise, country walks & my first ever Yoga Class - perfect!
It's official autumn is upon us, the Ecudorian Panama hat has gone into storage & been replaced with a Locks & Co. Hatters Black fedora.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Watching London Lord Mayor's Parade with son Charles Atherton-Laurie for first time, he thinks it's great, I agree

Friday, 11 November 2011

Infuriated to discover son in London on school trip but unable to collect him due to insurance reasons - return trip to Cardiff tomorrow Ahh
Facebook crashes on me, Estate Agent doesn't call as promised, Apple iPhone not working properly, Apple Laptop playing up - not the best day

Thursday, 10 November 2011

The Film "The Ides of March" was surprisingly good. Solid performances from all the cast but Phillip Seymour Hoffman is truly exceptional.
Pleased to be invited as one of founding members of The Yacht, toasted success with friend & actress Tilly Brooke
The Leonardo Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan exhibition in the National Gallery is sadly all it's made up to be, an unmissable show!
Flynn Earl Jones (American) & Jamilla Jennings Grant concur that best Eggs Benedict (or in their case Arlington) are found @TheWolseleyRest

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Cristina Keech, shows me the joys of Cobham in Surrey & her new home. Wonderful to spend time with a loving family & great home cooked food

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Chilterns are beautiful, even when walking on them in the rain - but still prefer streets of London & that special kind of Autumn grey
Hugely surprised that eyesight has improved since my last eye test 3 years ago, when I was told "your old it's inevitable they'll get worse"

Monday, 7 November 2011

Extremely dissapointed not to have been at my dear friend @DaniellaPellegrini 's film premierre "Superman Requim" due to car breaking down.
Hoping Champney's is going to be my first personal sponsor in a strategy to re-establish quality in UK & make buying about knowledge not Ads

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Up at 07:00 to watch the Brighton to London Vintage Rally Aamzing vehicles & suprisingly large number of people

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Karolina Gburczyk & I @RitzyCinema, London, pondering where else in the world could you listen to African JuJu Music in a century old cinema
Fireworks in Brixton not right without the amazing Anja Breit, after our first ever meeting wheeled me up the hill & plied me with bubbles.
A @KarinaCornell night always spells trouble (in a good way) but on floating members only club, The Yacht, exceptionally so- see the bruises

Friday, 4 November 2011

Great to be able to celebrate with Katharine Birbalsingh & steering committee on news DfE have approved the opening of their new Free School
Finally got Reader's Membership Card for the British Library. Lots of research for our film Vigilia but at least they bring the books to you

Thursday, 3 November 2011

It's official. I am through to final auditions to perform in @London2012 Olympic opening & closing ceremonies. Like a child in a sweetshop!
An impromptu Gig at McQueens in Shoreditch thanks to Tamara Thomas ( you can see why it won the best Bar of 2010

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Great to see my childhood sweetheart Lisa Evans on her visit to London. Amazing that we've known each other 33 years & still stay in touch!
Dinner with @Sarah Lloyd Hughes at Imil Restaurant, Soho (great Indian Tapas). It's great to be around such a positive & enlightened person.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Amongst first 100 auditioning for the @London2012 Olympic opening ceremonies today. Like being on an episode of Glee - 48 hours & I'll know

Monday, 31 October 2011

A full day working on our feature film Vigilia with Amanda Baker. Story development, funding progression & constant laughing. Looking good!
Nichola Hartwell's home cooked fare is reminiscent of The Ivy restaurant, comfort food done perfectly. A much appreciated port in the storm.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Tacita Dean's 'The Film' installation at Tate Modern's Turbine Hall & part of Unilever series. Whilst impressive in size lacking in content.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Halloween is a good day to share your horror stories of the past year & dear friend & dutchman Dirk van der Velden had even more than I did.
Bollinger Champagne tasting session with Tanja Coetzee in Islington proved to be just the pick me up to end a week filled with highs & lows
Tamara Thomas leads me astray again with best Hot Chocolate in Dri Dri on Portebello Road & best Burger at Chelsea Farmers Market Restuarant
Healthy Fast food restaurant Pod is definitely a contender for favourite Leon's but chain still only in the city

Thursday, 27 October 2011

When your day starts with you slipping on a friends drive & smashing your face against a pillar - you know it's not going to be a good one.
Daphna Baram's comedy night Cantaloopy in Shoreditch was excellent. Catching up with Arthur Smith was great but the other acts were fab too

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Is UNTHINK the new social network, a Facebook for grown-ups? A revolution with you at the heart of it? We'll see.
Breakfast at the Wolseley is always an excellent start to the day. Still crowned the best Eggs Benedict in London
Extremely pleased Caterina Oliveira agreed to take on the role of editor for The Michaela Community Free School film trailer due in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Wishing Friend & Author Mitzi Szereto bon voyage as she heads back to States - You'll be missed, though my son is hoping for trip to a Miami
Good yelling match with dear friend & director Amanda Baker gives our feature film Vigilia it's final boost to the finish line of production
Thanks to Kiki Morrin for undying support, trust & amazing assistance over past week. The kindness of (sort of) strangers continues to amaze
The film The Adventures of Tin Tin felt it should be watched in 3D. Whilst the 2D Version was very watchable, it felt lacking a dimension.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Harriet Olalaye & Pauvlina Stoyanova ensure perfect ending to a wonderful day. More cocktails at the Circus Lounge & a holiday offer - great
The generosity of Elizabeth Block abounds as usual. Some amazing cocktails at the Oxo Tower Terrace, overlooking the Thames - try Press Gang

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Eggs benedict Champagne Breakfast in The Table, Southwark then Wallace Collection thanks to the adorable Tamara Thomas - makes the sun shine

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Visit to Royal Festival Hall for meeting with producer Leo Wurm discussing feature film Vigilia, reminded me when members bar was my office.
Surprising find in Coffee@Bermondsey Street. Excellent Sweet Potatoe & Chorizo soup & the White Hot Chocolate was a first, all for under £5.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Can't believe I'm still wearing my Panama Hat in October! Would normally be back in my Black Fedora, but with this sunshine would be foolish

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Marco, barman at Paramount, poured me & Gerard Davies the best French Martini (using fresh pineapple) - great to watch the sunset on London.
Actor & Friend Chris Lambert persuaded me to try Nando's in Canary Wharf. I don't understand my friends passion - but not bad for a chain.
Interview for a Games Maker for London 2012 Olympics was like an episode of the BBC's spoof series - great fun

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Are there sweeter words "Go drink your wine, listen to Gershwin & stay out of my kitchen until I serve dinner" quote of day from Kiki Morrin
Enormous gratitude to Caroline Heatlie. Reminding me how easy life can be when you have people around you that are positive and want to help
Now have two interviews (volunteer staff) and an audition (opening & closing ceremonies) for the London 2012 Olympics. Let's hope I get one!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Have been reminded by Caroline Heatlie how good Steven Moffat's Coupling was. One of the best things made by bbc

Monday, 17 October 2011

Discussing film Vigilia with composers & friends, Patrick Savage & Holeg Spies, nicest people you'll ever meet at London Film Festival #LFF!
Discussing film Vigilia with composers & friends, Patrick Savage & Holeg Spies, nicest people you'll ever meet at London Film Festival #LFF!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Visiting friend & Author Mitzi Szereto in Brentwood (yes, home of TOWIE). Gifted me a signed copy of her new book
Great BFI catch up meeting with Cherique O'Brien (friend & production assistant on Colour Blind) wishing her well with her new film venture.
Vine Tomatoes picked from the balcony & freshly squeezed carrot & cucumber juice made for one of the healthiest starts to a day - thanks CH.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Dee Rees's Pariah (my first watch of the London Film Festival) enjoyable, but Q&A with her afterwards expressed more than what was on screen
Only London could have a dedicated week for cocktails overlapping two weeks dedicated to film (55th London Film Festival)- great combination
Glad to have surreptitiously reconnected with Helen Lederer outside the Arts Theatre in London. Her Christmas parties are legendary & missed
Wales lose to France 8-9 in Rugby WorldCup. One of the best matches I've ever seen Wales play. They will be coming home to a heroes welcome

Friday, 14 October 2011

Unable to celebrate the impromptu dinner party with Ponni Arumugam, Julie Dobson & Alex DeYoung in 140 characters. Wonderful Sri Lankan food
Hoping to again work with Cameraman, Stephen Bell Young, very soon. Professional & committed restored my faith in an industry full of flakes

Thursday, 13 October 2011

James Earl Jones performed excellently in the play Driving Miss Daisy at The Wyndham Theatre. Thanks to his son Flynn for organising things
Thanks to my perfumier Keith Morris, Fortnum & Masons, cheered me up with a gift of Clive Christiian's new scent "C" replacing my 1872
The healthiest dinner party of my life, courtesy of the fabulous Caroline Heatlie & the exquisite company of the bad influence Kiki Morrin.
DPW comes to the rescue once again. Many thanks for the support as always. You've been a life saver after the ravages of recent weeks by AP

Monday, 10 October 2011

If you want to catch my appearance on BBC TVs Sunday Morning Live (@bbcsml) discussing adoption see it on iPlayer

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Dissapointed that solicitor @DavidAllenGreen was unable to prevent Tom Napier, Fluent2 taking down my website over a made up copyright issue
Son, Charles Atherton-Lauire, thought it was great sitting next to his father on the phone whilst at the same time hearing him on TV #bbcsml
Will be doing a live telephone interview on BBC1's Sunday Morning Live this morning (10:00 - 11:00) about etnic adoptions by White parents.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Wales's win over Ireland in quarter final of the Rugby World Cup is definitely a sign that life is getting better - ironically back in Wales

Friday, 7 October 2011

Hoping friend Sarah Lloyd-Hughes launch of her new book "How to be Brilliant at Public Speaking" was a success.
A big thank you to cameraman Stephen Bell Young for stepping in at the last minute to film the London Press Club's Memories of Fleet Street.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The amazing Daniella Pellegrini comes to my rescue with a last minute Cameraman. Almost reconsidering my views on marriage - I said almost!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

As a tribute to the passing of David Croft an evening of "It ain't half hot Mum" on DVD. Hope bloody natives don't get above their stations

Monday, 3 October 2011

Schillings Solicitors side step mine @DavidAllenGreen in relation to Devious tactics threaten webhost with legal action.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Anyone think it acceptable to go through someones personal possessions without their knowledge or permission & breaching their trust in you?
Just discovered had personal posessions in storage intruded on by somebody who was supposed to care about me. Even gave access to strangers!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Reminiscing in Ystrad Mynach about my misspent youth. Though being there was akin to the bar scene in the Julie Walters film Educating Rita.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Pleased to be at the Celebrations for Anne & Malcolm Williams's 50th Wedding Anniversary in South Wales. They've been like my second family

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Driving through Cotswolds in a convertible sports car with the roof down listening to Bill Hicks on CD maybe not be everyone's idea of bliss
Elin Robinson's Birthday Party on the deck of The Yacht at Temple. Reminded me how romantic London's night skyline is from the River Thames.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

With assistance of dear friend David Williams I've managed to walk the furtherst since leaving hospital. Around the beautiful Tring Park.
Thought the Pimms cocktail in the Waterways pub in Little Venice with Tamara Thomas yesterday was going be to the last of the season...
Thanks to my amazing friend Marion Giesler for accomodating me for the past 3 weeks. I'm so blessed to have such supportive people around me

Monday, 26 September 2011

If all my life encounters were like being out with dear friends Amanda Baker & Flynn Earl Jones at the Oxo Tower - I'd be unstoppable!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

The delectable Daniella Pellagrini's Birthday at Laduree in Harrrods was a sumptuiious affair with excellent company and fine macaroons.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Interesting talk by Simon Cowell's negotiator at Carole Stones "Stone Club" at 1 Alfred Place on Thursday - she remains an inspiration to me
Truman Capote's Tuxedo from his famous Black & White Party on display in Burlington Arcade. Celebration of Inventor Henry Poole Saville Row
Champagne afternoon Tea at Fortnum & Masons thanks to dear friend Ponni Arumugam after visiting Degas & the Ballerinas at The Royal Academy

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Have made the auditions to perform in the opening/closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics. Next phase October. Will keep you informed

Monday, 19 September 2011

A big thank you to all my amazing friends who made my Summer Party at Vista Rooftop Bar At The Traflagar Hotel such a special occassion.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

St. Fagans Food Festival with son Charles Atherton-Laurie. Learning how to pluck chickens, cook on open fires, pod peas & bake on stones.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie & I, singing along with Last night of the Proms on TV, as Park in a very wet Caerphilly called off due to rain

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Hugely unimpressed with the customer service of Press Release Distribution company goingtopress - one to avoid.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Great news that friend Dexter Fletcher's film Wild Bill has been selected for the 55th London Film Festival

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Nichola Hartwell's excellent homemade brunch whilst discussing her community TV drama Nightlife, helping deprived children into paid TV jobs
Restaurant Rasa W1, off Regent Street, huge disappointment, having won accolades for its Vegetarian Food. Company of Marigold made up for it

Monday, 5 September 2011

Wonderful to be back working on Feature Film Vigilia with director Amanda Baker & writer Rhianna Pratchett.Follow

Sunday, 4 September 2011

All Council & Civil Service Staff should be forced to watch Golden Girls eps about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Film, Rise of the Planet of the Apes at Clapham Picture House cinema (@ClaphamPH) a touching, fun & intriguing film definitely worth a watch

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Rekindling my love affair with London. Dinner at Theo Randall's with the Masters of the Universe. Excellent food & brilliant company.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Thanks to all amazing friends for their selfless support over the past months. No thanks at all to Lambeth Council who've tried to break me!
Amazed that all the greatest talent I know go through unbelievable hardship but still fight on while people who don't care less never suffer
Never watch West Wing just before going for a meeting with your local council, you'll be in for a huge disappointment - cognitive dissonance
Been absent from my daily status updates for 7 days,wish I could say I've been on holiday, but no, Lambeth Council crap, have you missed me?

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Fantastic news today at last, friend & comedian @patrickjmonahan wins ITV's Show Me the Funny, congratulations mate #smtf, beers are on you!
Will transcribe the recording made of meeting with Lambeth Social Services later. In the end, abandoned onto street in a Wheelchair to die!!
Lambeth Council meeting turned Kafkaesque as nobody appeared to speak English, understand reasoning or comprehend the purpose of management.
If anybody knows of a member of the news press who can get to Phoenix House in the next 30 minutes. Do let me know. About to wheeled onto st
Currently sitting in Lambeth Council, alone, as social worker Cynthia Bazuaye, has just abandoned me - a Cooperative Council this is not.
Congratulations to friends Patrick Monahan making final of "Show Me The Funny" & Damian Coldwell 4 writing music
Congratulations to friends Patrick Monahan making final of "Show Me The Funny" & Damian Coldwell 4 writing music

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Looking forward to seeing friend Anne Sebba on Channel 4's documentary, Wallis Simpson's Secret Letters watch it!
Facebook statuses reminded me that a year ago today I was battling with an incompetent bureaucracy - Lambeth Council are still dragging feet

Friday, 19 August 2011

Wondering why it's always at the most inappropriate times that people let you down? Having to chase people, who chased me for an opportunity

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Happy 80th Birthday Ealing Studios, produced some of my favourite films especially Passport to Pimlico one of the reasons I moved to London.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

A friend has Laptop, phone and credit cards stolen from her flat, feet away from where she slept last night. Burglar entered through window.

Monday, 15 August 2011

I appear to be living the role of Paul Sheldon in Stephen Kings novel "Misery" - trapped in a situation with apparently no means of escape.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Not the Nine O'Clock News proving nothing changes - 1980 sketch about British #riots & Lambeth Community worker
To those going to Edinburgh please see comedian friends Brendon Burns, Daphna Baram, Patrick Monahan, all hysterically funny & well worth it
Great crowd & Party at Young's Riverside Pub in Vauxhall to celebrate Marion Giesler's Birthday. Views of the Thames were stunning at sunset

Saturday, 13 August 2011

David Starkey on BBC Newsnight prompted me to read Enoch Powell's River of Blood Speech; surprised how lucid it is
David Starkey on BBC Newsnight prompted me to read Enoch Powell's River of Blood Speech;surprised how lucid it is

Friday, 12 August 2011

Business Team at Apple Store, Covent Garden, London. More a sales team than business support. Disappointing scripted service; no innovation

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Prime Minister David Cameron just announced that Police have powers to remove facemasks for any reason. One wonders why it's taken so long!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

#LondonRiots Rioters blame Government (but don't know which party is in power) & rich i.e. Local Business #fail
Thanks to friends for concern, but have managed to avoid London riots & I'm safe & sound. Though constant sound of sirens can still be heard
My media solicitor @DavidAllenGreen doing great job to protect me from fallacious claims- just wish the opposition would accept they've lost
Amanda Baker & Rhianna Pratchett doing wonders with the rewrites of the feature film script for Vigilia. Now working on finalizing casting.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) week hence the absence of updates. Hard as people try to kick a dog when it's down; rising up like a phoenix.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

How rejuvenating to see a friend not seen for many years, Julie Dobson was much missed, many thanks to Ponni Arumugam for organising a visit
A night out at Rio Health Club with the amazingly talented performance artist Gemski, sauna, jacuzzi etc. was just what the doctor ordered!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Readjusting to absence of 12 year old son. His initiative, drive & positive outlook puts to shame, public servants I have to deal with now!

Monday, 1 August 2011

The beautiful Zen Garden at the Hempel Hotel, is a great place for a summer's afternoon drink, but the service leaves a lot to be desired.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Nadine & Stacey at Kwik-Fit Camden, saved our bacon by repairing a puncture & teaching son Charles how to be a mechanic. Many thanks to both
@RitzyCinema staff lovely after such a long time away, wonderful to son Charles, he really enjoyed Cars 2 in 3D. Thanks to Tess, Amy & James

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie has amazing Birthday picnic on Primrose Hill, thanks to the generosity of my friends who graciously turned up.
Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie surprises me by making fresh fruit salad for breakfast, then prepares a picnic lunch - could get used to this!
Son Charles Atherton-Laurie, cooks me an amazing dinner of Thai Chicken Stir Fry, Fine egg Noodles all topped with Scrambled Egg - delicious
Son Charles Atherton-Laurie unimpressed by PC Cross for pursuing us with flashing lights & sirens for what turned out to be a computer error

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie had same reaction to me to 5 Storey, 1 product sweetshop that is M&M World, Leicester Square- What's the point?

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie loved David Tennant & Catherine Tate in "Much Ado About Nothing" at the Wyndham Theatre. Stunning performances!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie did excellent job of Go-Karting at Playscape racing in Streatham. HIs usual luck, not another sole on the track
Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie, arrives in London & has is first ever Vegan meal (lasagne) at In Spiral Cafe, Camden, thanks Caroline Heatlie.
I know so many people going to the Secret Garden Party this weekend it surely cannot be a secret. Going next year - not to feel left out.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Excellent Interviews with Kate Hoey MP & Dr. Tony Sewell for the documentary film about the proposed free Michaela Community School, Lambeth

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Daniel Pagan at Post Production House LipSync, Soho, shows again, how industry rallies at short notice to help school work placement: Thanks

Monday, 18 July 2011

Lunch, with new producer & friend, Daniella Pellagrini at the River Terrace at BFI, she's definitely one to watch
National Portrait Gallery's exhibition "Glamour of the Gods" is worth a visit to see the importance of photography to the promotion of film

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Screen International reporter, Sarah Cooper, interviewed myself, Amanda Baker & Rhianna Pratchett about development of feature film Vigilia.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Huge Happy 12th Birthday to son Charles Sebastian Atherton-Laurie. Enjoy cinema party at Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 tonight.
Pinewood Studios, Jette Cowan, Reaching4stars, supporting next generation into the industry by assisting my work placement student - thanks
Amazing support from composer Patrick Savage who came out to assist in educating a work placement student. Time & expertise, many thanks.
Uncertain about the Movieum on the Southbank. Interesting exhibits but not sure ticket price of £13.50 is warranted with so much advertising
The BFI Mediatheque current archives contains a documentary on the "free" School "Summerhill" enlightening watch

Monday, 11 July 2011

Meeting Raga Woods always re-ignites my faith in Human Beings, if we could only clone her to work in the Council?
If you manage to visit Ottolenghi's new restaurant in the West End, Nopi, don't miss best desert ever, Coffee pecan financier & Maple Cream!
Unimpressed with the winner of BP Portrait Awards at the National Portrait Gallery much preferred the runner up

Friday, 8 July 2011

Private viewing of photographer Duffy's work at the @IG_Gallery then drinks at L'Anima restaurant with (allegedly) the best bottom in London

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Councils treat their vulnerable atrociously. Julian Hall, Development Manager, at Lambeth Council, worst culprit?

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Finally, a good day, won a prize @TheBigSociety screening of "It's a Wonderful Life" & risk resulted in potentially life changing phone call

Monday, 4 July 2011

Wimbledon Tennis Final on a big screen on the Southbank with a great crowd - Nadal's loss made up by meeting Nicky & Nieve who led me astray

Sunday, 3 July 2011

James Corden put in a stunning performance in "One Man, Two Guvnors" at the National Theatre. Sold out for entire run - queue for returns!

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Interesting day in Cardiff with Keith Potter, Head of Production at the Welsh Film Agency, discussing the future of my feature film Vigilia.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Met Film Director Asif Kapadia years ago at Channel 4. Which made seeing his brilliant new documentary "Senna" even more appealing - genius!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

My 11 year old Son Charles, hugely unimpressed with the National Union of Teachers (NUT) strike. He's missing his favourite science subjects
Edward Kola, manager "The Only Running Footman" Pub, comped our meals because they arrived late. Excellent service & great food a must visit

Monday, 27 June 2011

Hugely impressed with Andy Murray's tennis win over Richard Gasquet at Wimbledon today. Hope Nadal's injuries do not force him to drop out.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Interviewed, amongst others, Toby Young & Katharine Birbalsingh for film about Free Schools. Both passionate, researched & surprisingly open
Phillips Bailiffs use Met Police to pull over people with unpaid parking tickets on Charring Cross during rush hour - is this even legal?

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Battles with Lambeth Council continue, 2 years so far. Will fight to ensure other residents don't suffer the same indignities & disregard.
Returned to London to opening of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships - heartwarming prompted me to plan for The Season with my son next year
Is struggling to find a WordPress expert to put right already let down twice by so called professionals - infuriating.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Spectacular Father's Day. Son, Charles treated me to lunch & a poem & even my Alzheimer suffering Mother remembered my & his name - Special!

Saturday, 18 June 2011

In rainy Wales, playing Lego Drug dealers & FBI (Limos & Motorbikes) with my son Charles, things have certainly changed since I was a child!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The quest to fix the free 24 hour coupons to watch Reginald D Hunters first live recording on continues - seriously let down.
Made a fabulous Beef Madras, using a Kitchen Guru Kit (, best curry I have ever cooked - would highly recommend.
Spent last couple of weeks researching how UK education system has changed in last 14 years. For parents, it's become stupidly complicated.
Harvey Nichols have lost their bakery, the grocery department has shrunk & they've moved the Teas. End of the world is definitely nigh folks

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Big thank you from the Writer, Director & Producer of feature film Vigilia to all @slutwalklondon who shared their rape experiences with us
Surreal day @SlutwalkLondon, had the word Slut painted with eyeliner on bare chest by Rhianna Pratchett - the Vigilia T-shirts had run out.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Queen celebrates her official 85th Birthday as my amazing Mother celebrates her actual. Happy Birthday Mum - still trying to make you proud!

Friday, 10 June 2011

First promotional material for feature film Vigilia produced. Logo T Shirts for Director, Writer & Supporters to wear at #SlutWalks tomorrow
Fighting my illness Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) to work, as other sufferers do - not picture of benefit dependent scum Politicians paint

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Organising filming schedule for Michaela Community School's promotional video with members of Katharine Burlbalsingh's steering committee
Putting together a funding proposal for feature film Vigilia to the Welsh Film Agency with Director Amanda Baker & Writer Rhianna Pratchett

Sunday, 5 June 2011

A party picnic in St. James's Park in the rain. Group saying a fond farewell to American friend & actor Bart Williams whose returning home.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Pinewood Studio discussing how women get to beat up male rapists in our feature film Vigilia with Reaching4stars
Pinewood Studio discussing how female vigilantes get to beat up rapists in our feature film Vigilia Reach4thestars

Friday, 3 June 2011

Karolina Gburczyk comes to the rescue with a trip to the @RitzyCinema to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Strangers Tides in 3D - escapism.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Sell out performance of @TheRubyDolls in the Attic, at the Riverside Studios, A cabaret performance of wit & sensuality- catch it if you can

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Watteau:The Drawings exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts is a must see - 4 days left visit new restaurant too

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Carole Stone's Birthday Party was a mixture of amazing people & fantastic performers - duet with husband Richard Lindley brought house down.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Delectable actress @KarinaCornell leads me astray on the Southbank after listening to the amazing Kuricorder Quartet at Royal Festival Hall.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Lousie King at @NoCutsforKids is an inspiration looking forward to working with her on A Thousand Voices for a Broken System against Lambeth
@DavidAllenGreen restored my faith in Legal profession today - professionalism & empathy - unheard of from a Lawyer in my experience- Thanks
Lunch at Hix Restaurant in Selfridges with comedian Joy Carter - superb food & hugely entertaining - best value in London on both counts.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Brilliant script writing day with Amanda Baker & Rhianna Pratchett (both amazing) doing revisions on feature film Vigilia -Unique & powerful

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Enlightening journey investigating the issues of #FreeSchools as part of work for Katharine Birbalsingh, more complex than most folk realise

Monday, 23 May 2011

Weekend with son Charles Atherton-Laurie in Brecon Beacons, S. Wales. Heineken Cup ruined plans in Cardiff but Horse Riding cheered him up.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

I urge you to avoid Hamptons Estate Agents, unprofessional & will try & charge you £500 for fees that only total about £80 if paid yourself.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Benares pop up restaurant in Mezza Wardour street, doesn't compare to the Michelin starred original in Mayfair but thanks to Rob Ward anyway

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Charles Atherton-Laurie gets commendation for Topogrpahical Model for Geography homework - Congratulations son.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Katharine Birbalsingh's Michaela Community Free School, driven by passion writes The Evening Standard Newspaper
Party on Sunday introduced me to some amazing people, the writer of Z-Cars, Speech Coach for Emma Watson & Welcome Foundation Researchers.
Extremely pleased that I managed to catch the Susan Hiller Exhibition at Tate Britiain thanks to Karolina Gburczyk - stunning installations.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Nigel Farage @ #Rallyagainstdebt attacking ludicrous salaries of Council management, would anybody contest that?

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Big thank you to Carole Stone for invitation to YouGovStone / LBC 97.3 Debate: Coalition One Year On, a fun night

Monday, 9 May 2011

A day of dental treatment at Gorse Covet Dental Practice in Loughborough - thankfully it's my brother, but could still do without the hassle
Charles Wahab doing wonders with A Thousand Voices for a Broken System, first prototype should be available online by the end of May 2011.
St. John's Hotel Restaurant, Leicester Square is a Meat (and desert) eaters paradise. Culinary skills of Tom Harris astound the palate.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

If you wondered why I have so much trouble with @LambethCouncil a look at their promotional video should explain

Friday, 6 May 2011

Katharine Birbalsingh's handling of the Michaela Community (Free) School meeting, showed how manners can conquer outbursts form protesters.
A music week, Tony Blackburn at the Apple Store trying to get his iphone to work, Paul Gambacini & Jonathan King at Me, Me, Me film premiere

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

A big thank you to @RichardFitzwilliams for the invitation to the private viewing of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters on the Mall.
Sadly the light at end of the tunnel is all but diminished. Incompetence of @LambethCouncil continues unabated- lack of care is astonishing

Monday, 2 May 2011

Entrepreneurial spirit in Britain is strong but stilted by all these bloody bank holidays. Self employed don't get paid if they don't work.
An 18 hole round at St. Andrews' Golf Course, thanks to TIger Woods and those very nice chaps at Sony. The Move more impressive than WiiMote

Friday, 29 April 2011

Hugely impressed with both how The Mall & Regent Street look. Royal Wedding whilst not high on my list does London proud for pomp & ceremony

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Thanks to @CarolineHeatlie for visit to Photographic exhibition, Southwark Speaks: People, Places, Things. at Woolfson & Tay - inspiring.
The play "Clybourne Park" at the Wyndham Theatre was an hysterically funny observation of how race and racism has evolved over past 50 years

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Al fresco lunch in Table Cafe & Miro exhibition at @tatemodern ruined only by Apple Store trying to charge £50 for a replacement power cord.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Looking forward to working with Katharine Birbalsingh on video about her Free School in LAMBETH, council willing
The dichotomy of watching Rio 3D in @RitzyCinema, which is celebrating it's first centenary, was not lost on me. Reasonable & funny film too
Home town Easter Break, visiting Regents, St. James's & Greenwich Park then Cruising down River Thames on back of @ThamesClippers catamaran.
@DeborahCollins 's 30th Birthday Party in Kent. Easter Eggs, Countryside, Manor Houses & Good company. Perfect St. Georges Day in England.
Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie, sacrifices the sun & holiday with me, to complete his Geography homework see photos

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Forever in debt to friends Robin & Gill for accommodating my son Charles Atherton-Laurie and me, for his Easter Holiday visit to London.

Monday, 18 April 2011

My job as a parent is complete. My 11 year old son Charles selects Wholefoods' Mexican roll with Rice & Black Beans, as fast food of choice!
Son Charles Atherton-Laurie has geography homework, so a trip to the Royal Geographic Society to assist in building a Topographical model.
Son Charles Atherton-Laurie enjoys a picnic on Primrose Hill, an aerobatic display with his AR Drone & playing Dr. Who adventures on the BBC

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Brief salvation as son Charles Atherton-Laurie returns to London for Easter Holidays. Japanese Street food in Camden Market is a good start.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Thanks OTBF Ltd. for their continuing struggle to sort out Lambeth Council for me. I gather there is light at the end of the tunnel today.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Wondering when the London rental market is going to return to normal. To many people paying over the odds & to many Landlords riding a wave

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

David Meslin on TED explaining the antidote to apathy. Some points I made @thebigsociety meeting, council reform

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Having been pinned against the wall of the gents loos in Trader Vics by Rebekah Brooks (then Wade), nice to know she's now in the crosshairs

Saturday, 9 April 2011

After rushing around London to do last minute interview for Radio 4's You & Yours program about The Ballet of Change - discovered story cut.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Is there anything better than London in the sunshine? Mini tour with the roof down followed with friends in Convent Garden drinking bubbles.
My Hatters, Lock's of St. James's, have done an amazing job of repairing my favourite Ecuadorian Panama Hat, at no charge. Spring has Sprung

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Wondering what he was in a previous life (Hitler) for the people he most supported throughout his life, to all let him down on the same day.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The constant struggle with Lambeth Council continues. Case currently with Councillor Alex Holland (Labour) - hoping for a swift resolution.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Turns out Matthew McConaughey can actually act. Sterling performance in the film "The Lincoln Lawyer" albeit marred by viewing in multiplex

Friday, 1 April 2011

Bootleg Reg:Reginald D Hunter Live In London now available online - free if you're quick to follow 1st 100

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Thanks to Matt Jeschelnik of Boulder Creek International & Iolo Jones of TV Everywhere who provided & built the Website
Just 12 hours to go before launch of Reginald D Hunter's first recorded gig Bootleg Reg tech team are sweating.
Just 12 hours to go before the launch of Reginald D Hunter's first recorded gig Bootleg Reg tech team are sweating

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Day of chasing & putting right other peoples mistakes at Lambeth Council. "A Thousand Voices for a Broken System" will put an end to this.
Reginald D Hunter's online release of Stand-up show takes place 1st April 2011 this will NOT be available on DVD
Reginald D Hunter's online release of his Stand-up show takes place 1st April 2011 this will NOT be available on DVD at

Monday, 28 March 2011

After months of hard work, Rhianna Pratchett delivered the brilliant, first finished draft of our feature film, Vigilia - fabulous reading.
A weekend Birthday treat with a dear friend in the Chilterns, lunch in a country pub & then on to see the first spring lambs in the fields.
Hoppé Portraits: Society, Studio & Street & Ida Karr: Bohemian Photographer exhibitions at The National Portrait Gallery, both worth a visit
Didn't miss the irony of the Anti-Cuts march being on the same day as the Nintendo 3DS & Apple i-Pad2 launch, The Boat Race & Earth Hour Day

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Birthday lunch from my brother @latelierlondon Restaurant. 2 Michelin Starred food, a delight for the senses and drinks on the sun terrace.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Cannot believe the DVD of Domestic Violence Docudrama, Silent Voices, has sold out once again at
Heard about this website on @TheGadgetShow last night and think it is, as my son would say "Awsome"!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Sitting on side of the Thames watching Waterloo sunset reflected in the water & drinking hot chocolate - just the thing to rekindle the soul

Monday, 21 March 2011

Birthday Party at @Kettnerslondon, over 60 friends in attendance, one of whom played piano & Amazing staff & Venue, made for a perfect night

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Film, The Adjustment Bureau, another great idea by Phillip K Dick, that doesn't quite translate. @RtizyCinema new screen impressive though.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Sean, Cinema & Television Benevolent Fund (CTBF) proves how assistance should be provided. Cllr Reed, Lambeth Council needs to take a leaf.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Work on A Thousand Voices for a Broken System, online video database allows voters to air grievances & put pressure on their local councils.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The fight with Lambeth Council continues. Failure to respond to emails, bureaucratic failures of gargantuan proportions compounded by idiocy

Monday, 7 March 2011

Film, Rango, stunning piece of animation with voice of Johnny Depp not really for children. Staff at Everyman Cinema Baker Street are superb

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Walk in Hyde Park taking in the Anish Kapoor, then hot chocolates in The Library at The Lainsborough Hotel a perfect London Sunday afternoon

Saturday, 5 March 2011

The Loop Bar, London, for Sara Fazlali's Birthday was a bizarre mix of old tunes being danced to by people not born when they were released.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Being interviewed in the cold, under Piccadilly Circus Lights about my film, The Ballet of Change for BBC's Radio 4, You & Your's programme.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Delighted dear friend Colin Ngan has just launched his own Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) Company, "Prometheus"

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Is for the first time considering moving North of the river Thames to Westminster/Pimlico anyone know of any apartments available that side?

Monday, 28 February 2011

Check out my solution for Lambeth Council to prevent cuts to the vulnerable & sick in @MarkBennett blog comments

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Whilst Lambeth Council & Social Services do everything to prevent me making a full recovery & being a good parent, they're not going to win.

Friday, 25 February 2011

As a thank you for his week in London, my son Charles Atherton-Laurie is cooking me lunch. Spiced lamb with Mango, Apple & Cucumber salad.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Son Charles Atherton-Laurie, visits National Gallery and completes the detective tour & helps Matt Smith in Doctor Who Experience at Olympia

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Son Charles Atherton-Laurie, surpasses himself by spelling antidisestablishmentarianism at "The Spelling Bee Musical" in the Donmar Theatre

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Son, Charles Atherton-Laurie, meets publicist Max Clifford at The Connaught Rooms and dines on Burgers at Haché.
Science day for my son Charles Atherton-Laurie, the history of surgery at The Hunterian Museum & study of viruses at The Centre of The Cell.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Son Charles Atherton-Laurie is down for his half-term visit in London. Here's what happened at Christmas 2011
Thanks Anne & Malcolm Williams for assisting in accommodating my son Charles in Wales & for brother Andrew Toy for checking his teeth in car

Friday, 18 February 2011

Made guest appearance sitting behind PM David Cameron on Charlie Brookers TV, Big Society piece on @10oClockLive

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Extremely disappointed not to have made @CarolineHeatlie's Birthday Party at Pasha due to CFS. Hope she had an amazing time & a good crowd.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Editing David Selves "The London Press Club Grill" internet trailer, interviews with Apprentice winner Tim Campbell & former MP Martin Bell.
Disappointment of the Broadcast Video Exhibition at Earls Court, was removed by celebrating Amanda Baker's Birthday at London Cocktail Club.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Trademark hat helps me to stand out, even when the Prime Minister is in the same room, according to The Telegraph
Thanks to @SteveMoore for the invitation to @thebigsociety today. Prime Minister, David Cameron, should read this
The film "Don't Let Me Go" @RitzyCinema is definitely not a Valentines Day treat unless you want to end your relationship! Way to depressing

The Prime Minister, The Big Society & Me.

As I watched Prime Minister, David Cameron, answer questions on The Big Society as a member of a select audience in Somerset House, London this morning, I couldn't help thinking there was an obvious flaw in his plan.

Put simply Cameron wants to give people the power to take control of their lives. But he's devolving Big Government power to small Government Power. That means placing the hands of all the power to Local Government.

He acknowledges that Local Government is one of the major stumbling blocks for people to improve their lot, so why do this?

Surely, to give the power to the people, means giving them the power to immediately hold Local Government to account. Not at elections but in the moment when it's needed.

If you've been following my plight over the past 18 months you'll know that currently this is not possible.

My experiences with Lambeth Council taught me three things.

Firstly, that inertia is encouraged and forms the first part of defense for the council not doing anything (layers of complaints system that are designed to achieve absolutely nothing).

Secondly, that nobody in the council has overall responsibility, no one person can make a decision and enforce it. Not, it would seem, even the leader of the council (in my case Steve Reed).

Thirdly and most importantly, nobody has a clue how local government is run.

For example It would be reasonable, as a voter to assume your local MP would have more sway when trying to sort out constituents problems than local Councillors, but you'd be wrong.

When David Cameron was asked to intervene on Riven Vincent's behalf (the woman threatening to put her disabled child into care because her council were reducing her respite care), the best he could offer was to write to the Council and hope they did the right thing.

If the Prime Minister of the UK can only write and ask? What the hell can the people do then?

And there it is, the core problem with The Big Society. If you want to give the people the power you have to remove the inertia of local government.

Cameron believes that transparency will help to achieve this. Forcing the councils to publish online, everything from salaries to expenditure. Whilst knowing how much your local council is spending on bonding days and team building trips to the Bahamas is important. It all becomes meaningless if you can't do anything about it.

Ask most people who their local MP is, they'll probably have some notion, but ask them for the names of their local councillors and most will give you the look of a bemused bulldog.

Which councillor did you last vote for in the local elections? Did you meet them? Did they have a manifesto? Are they any good?

Nobody knows.

We all deal with Big Government, we know who they are and should know what they represent.

But local Government is a world unknown to most and one that now, under Cameron, is being given more power.

But without being able to take your Council to account, not through a long winded complaints procedure but through simple common sense, nothings going to be achieved.

Take Riven Vincent for example, it is blindingly obvious to everybody if her child is taken into care, it will cost the council considerably more than the cost of increasing her respite care. So why weren't we, as the people, able to enforce that?

Trying to get British society to buy into real change and take on the responsibility of governing our own destinies under the banner of The Big Society will be lost unless we are truly given the power.

And I for one, want to be one of the driving forces for accomplishing that goal.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Incredibly sweet day with Tamara Thomas in Notting Hill, Portobello Rd - Hot chocolate at Dri Dri & Red Velvet Cupcakes, Humming Bird Bakery

Friday, 11 February 2011

Over the moon to hear friend & performance poet @ZenaEdwards on Radio 4's Wondermentalist Cabaret on BBC iPlayer
There's a new hope for The Big Society in the form of Contented Ltd. Check out my experience of the consortium at

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


In an office in Birmingham, in the grey light of a winters afternoon, a miracle was performed.

A meeting with the Third Sector, that not only had a purpose, but actually proved one of the most productive meetings of my life.

No agendas, no minutes, no tick-boxes.

I've worked in the Private Sector most of my life and in the last 10 years have attempted to be supportive to numerous Third Sector organisations all to no avail (fund-raising events let down by the Charity to whom funds were going, donations refused by charities who claimed to desperately need them ( and donations of my time, wasted by pointless meetings and inadequate action).

So, it was with serious trepidation, that I returned to the grounds of my worst enemy, a group of Third sector people and travelled the 3 hour journey from London to Birmingham to meet the core members of a consortium called Contented Limited

Contented is the exact opposite of everything I despise about the Third Sector. Firstly, it doesn't exist in anyway comprehensible to most who work in it. A group of people from all walks of life, from the Private, Public and Third Sectors who up until now, have organised meetings at their own expense both in terms of travel and time, to, well... just chat.

I met it's Managing Director, Gerard Davies, some years ago, when the idea was just a spark, but when he explained it, it was underpinned by an incredibly strong ethos. And it is that ethos that gives Contented its strength. Every member believes in the same values wherever they come from or whatever they do (myself included):

That bureaucracy and regulation gets in the way of delivering quality training and opportunities whilst draining scarce resources.

That generations of children have been cheated out of a real education by being duped into the belief that a useless University degree is the only way to progress in British society.

That knowledge in itself has a huge intrinsic value to society as a whole.

The active members include A professional business coach, a TV & Film Producer, a fundraiser, an outdoor pursuits manager, a professor, an ex Journalist, an animation teacher and training providers, who all sat around a table discussing how they could add to the betterment of society.

So what? you may ask.

Well, to start with, this is “The Big Society” in action. A group of people whose primary reason for getting together is to help others, even at great expense to themselves.
But more than that, this is changing how things can be achieved. Private companies who would normally run away from the ludicrous paper filling and lead times to get funding or clearances that plagues the Third Sector, will in the environment of Contented, seriously look at participating in it.

Third Sector organisations who have become reliant on Government funding now looking at totally different ways of raising money and delivering their services with Private Sector thinking.

This was truly exciting for all concerned but the real magic lay in the way the meeting was handled.

It starts with each individual in the group having a two-minute opportunity to explain why they were there, what they brought to the table and what assistance they would like from the other members (a standard networking approach).

And it was through that sharing that I met Harvinder Olikh a Training Provider (Train2success) and Nouman Prevez an Animation Course Provider.

Nouman was setting up a 3 month Animation Course for 16 – 21 year olds which would give them the specific qualifications to start working as Junior Animators in film, television or 3D modelling houses on starting salaries of £25,000 and was looking for where to get students from and work placements.

I'm currently making a Feature Film being written by Rhianna Prathcett which needs animation, Harvinder knows the head of schools at Dagenham & Barking and so all Noamin's need for students and placements were met in one fowl swoop.

From my perspective, I can offer placements to students who want to learn a craft as part of my industry, without all the paperwork worries and costly bureaucratic barriers that often prevent me from doing so.

Harvinder is able to offer his students an exciting course that will lead directly onto highly paid work.

Nouman saved hours of writing pointless and unanswered e-mails to Film Production Companies and struggling to think how to get the students on the course.

Swift instant decisions that benefited everyone involved.

And that's truly the power of Contented – Diversity & Instant Action.

As Harvinder said:
“I've spent too long around people in the same sector, we all think in the same way and speak in the same language. I would have never had the opportunity to speak to the likes of Paul Atherton (Film Producer) or Noamin Prevez (Animation), there would just never been a point in my life where we would have ever crossed paths. With so many differing view points and life experiences presented today, I've learnt more in the past few hours than I have in the past year. It's a Masterclass in understanding”

And if you're next question is “understanding what?” you've missed the point of Contented entirely.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

An amazing and moving performance by the stunning voice of Estrella Morente @Sadlers_Wells Theatre to open the Flamenco Season in London.
Monday night Madness at Maxwell's Bar & Grill Covent Garden, one of those secret's Londoners don't normally share
Another day working on feature film Vigilia, this time looking at Human Behviour via Stanford University lectures

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Thanks Charles Wahab for excellent meeting re "A Thousand Voices" at Boisdale, Belgravia on the Cigar Terrace -
Darren Aronofsky's latest film "Black Swan" Vue, Leicester Square, left me contemplating pursuit of perfection in the creative industries.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

In the Natwest Tower, Rhodes 24 bar doesn't give the same great views as the Vertigo bar, but a good alternative if you are unable to get in
Working with apprenticeship program & animation trainer, to deliver work placements for NEETS to work on Vigilia, under Contented Ltd banner

Friday, 4 February 2011

More research for our feature film Vigilia, watching classic films Brief Encounter & Now, Voyager, examined for their view of romance & duty
Play Greenland (about climate change) at The Lyttelton,National Theatre with Vicki Peaple had one saving grace, the puppetry of a Polar Bear

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Fortnum & Mason's bar 1707 has one of the best cheese boards in London and you can purchase champagne for off licence prices - very special.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Working on Vigilia with Amanda Baker - studying Greek Mythology, Female Warriors and Great Women (e.g. Eleanor Roosevelt & Katharine Graham)

Monday, 31 January 2011

Chutney Mary restaurant on Kings Road, Chelsea, served the best tasting menu I have ever experienced and was free using my Toptable points.
Was pleasantly surprised by The Gabriel Orozco at @tate_modern & left video response at Ai Wiewei Sunflower Seeds

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Sam Fyson's Birthday Party at the New London Cocktail Club, turning out to be a reunion of great friends made their last year - Thank you!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Dinner at Leon Restaurant Bankisde, with League of Gentleman star Steve Pemberton, who was entertaining a group of students for his supper.
Dinner at Leon Restaurant Bankside, with The League of Gentleman's Steve Pemberton, who was entertaining a group of students for his supper.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

After 12 years, I have to say farewell to my retiring hairdresser Carlo Anichini, but am extremely pleased with the change to Adee Phelan.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Restaurant, Souk Medina in Covent Garden with Razia Ahmed & Caimin Jones. Inside Shisha and belly dancers, made for an interesting night.
Trip to the Royal Courts of Justice to start suit against St. Thomas Hospital for theft of my Apple Laptop, after Ombudsman system failed.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Amazing meeting with members of Contented Limited about new ways to deliver education with the Private & Third Sector & removing bureaucracy

Monday, 24 January 2011

Back to work on Reginald D Hunter's first live recording of his stand-up comedy, recorded in London. A good way to dispel the January blues!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

In Cardiff with son Charles Atherton-Laurie, he's wondering if i'll ever let him play with his Xmas present again

Saturday, 22 January 2011

David Lammy on Radio 4's Any Questions shows his complete ignorance of social history by aligning Alf Garnett and Jim Davidson together.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Back to sanity, and working on film Vigilia, a day with the superb scriptwriter Rhianna Pratchett & composers Patrick Savage & Holeg Spies.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Lambeth Council, specifically Tina Okafor & Rockey Singh can basque in the glory of a battle won, having evicted me, but by no means the war
Will not be blackmailed by Lambeth Council so will be evicted at 14:00 today. Not a single person has investigated my case.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Thanks to my son Charles Atherton-Laurie for giving me a ray of sunshine by telling me has a role in my favourite musical West Side Story.
Still battling with Lambeth Council. Stay of execution until 14:00 tomorrow (Wednesday 19th January 2010) Hoping Press come to rescue again!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

A big thank you to all his friends trying to assist in preventing Lambeth Council evicting me to the street tomorrow. 24 hours & counting...

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Illness CFS has finally won out, with assistance of bureaucratic inertia, a sea of paperwork and lack of care from those paid to provide it

Monday, 10 January 2011

Lambeth Council Leader Steve Reed manages to investigate case without contacting me and will evict me Friday - so much for The Big Society

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Turns out the film "The Kings Speech" annoyingly, really does live up to the hype. The Curzon, Chelsea Cinema with thanks to Ponni Arumugam.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Thanks to my amazing friends for managing to attend my 10th annual Christmas Party through the rain and illness, a great night (best so far)

Friday, 7 January 2011

Extremely let down and disappointed with Matt Jeschelnik of Boulder Creek International and his failure to deliver his distribution channel.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Catch me on Channel 4's tonight 19:55 discussing issue of White Parents adopting non-white children

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Catch me on Channel 4's tonight 18:55 discussing issue of White Parents adopting non-white children
Enjoying the feature film script Vigilia that Rhianna Pratchett & Amanda Baker have been working on. Much looking forward to the next stage.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Return to the drudge that is Brixton & chasing members of the Public Sector - judging by automated email responses, most still on Holiday.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Not impressed with the start of 2011. 3 Friends have broken up with long term partners, 3 lost family to deaths and now Pete Postlethwaite!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Years Parade, London, Mulled wine, Gulliver's Travels, Legally Blonde:The Musical, Partridge at Joe Allen's restaurant. Happy New Year!